Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
How observant are you?
Advertising Agency: WCRS, London, UK
Creative Directors: Yan Elliott, Luke Williamson
Art Director: Kit Dayaram
Copywriter: Tom Spicer
Agency Producer: James Lethem
Director: Chris Palmer
Production Company: Gorgeous
Editor: Paul Watts at The Quarry
Post-production: The Mill
Audio post-production: Wave
Thursday, November 13, 2008
hvor, hvor, hvor...
Why is it that I feel like blogging only when I have a million and one other things to do??
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Scribbling The Cat

Not an attempt to do a book review, but one of the few books that had an impact me in a good/bad way. Well, few things actually affect me, so the fact that I felt something for/about this book already says quite a bit.
Picked up the book when I was in Vancouver with Jie. The local public library down at Point Grey was having a major clearance, and basically we spent too long just rummaging through the stuff to find good deals :) Jie found a couple of (really heavy) good deals, and we saw this one as well. We picked it out mostly because of the cover - appearances do make a difference! Anyway, bottom line is that we've both never heard of the book, nor knew what it was about, but it turned out to be one of the best reads I've had in a while.
Fuller's writing is chillingly beautiful especially at the beginning (the later parts are more wrapped around human drama) - especially her description of the African landscape and people.
"He looked bulletproof and he looked as if he was here on purpose, which is a difficult trick to pull off in this woolly climate. He looked like he was his own self-sufficient, debt-free, little nation - a living, walking, African Vatican City. As if he owned the ground beneath his feet, and as it the sky balanced with ease on his shoulders.
He looked cathedral."
For the curious - "scribble" means "to kill"
(and yes, the cat referring to the one in the phrase: 'curiosity killed the cat')
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Home sweet home :)
This may be old, but it's one of the best virals I've seen in a long time :)
Simply excellent - watch the whole thing!
This may be old, but it's one of the best virals I've seen in a long time :)
Simply excellent - watch the whole thing!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Favourite Things...
"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens;
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens;
Brown paper packages tied up with strings;
These are a few of my favourite things!"
Thanks Michelle!!! :D I really love it. Not just because you wrote me a letter, used your really nice paper to do so, posted me a box of my favourite biscuits (and postage must have been ex :/) - but mostly because it was really thoughtful of you :) You made me smile and tear at the same time. I miss you! Made me think of all back at home too...:/ I'm really glad and excited about this year's church camp (which you all are in right now) - I'm hoping and praying all goes well, and the experience would be priceless. Exciting times :) I'm also really glad that some of the young adults got to go too! Like Justin & Louis ;) I know the preparations must've have been hard on you guys :/ Wish I could've been there to help too. I miss Shalom.
International Friendship Day :)
I can safely say that today was one of the best days I've had in Copenhagen :) Not because of anything else, but just hanging out with people I've gotten to know here, eating great food, enjoying brilliant weather and having fantastic conversation. I'm gonna miss the group that I've met in Danish class so much. I think they're really great friends, not only because they're fun to be with, but they are truly down-to-earth people that just make me feel so comfortable to be around. We've been through an entire course of Danish language - and it has been fun practicing together :) Assia (Bulgaria), Cornelia (Austria), Yurong (Taiwan), Louis (Canada) and of course Carol, you guys are the best. My only regret is that I didn't get to meet up with Louis properly before he left! :/ Too bad I'll be missing you when you get back dude.
There were so many pictures for today - but I like them all equally as much! So I decided to post up all of them heh :)
And her sister's boyfriend, Nick, tending religiously to the barbeque.

Laying the table for the wonderful spread of purple rice, salad (with absolutely delicious Bulgarian cheese), pasta, mushrooms and the meats!

It was funny because Assia insisted that although their slightly salty Bulgarian cheese tasted like fetta-cheese, it was different and the Bulgarian cheese is the original one of the two :) Just like how it was recently proven that the Bulgarian slavic language was the original language that other Eastern European countries had stemmed from - even the Russian language! The Bulgarians (or maybe it's just Assia) are really patriotic eh? :)
It got so blazing hot that both Assia and Cornelia decided to change to their bikinis. They even resorted to putting on sunblock. And I decided to sit in the sun to hopefully get a tan haha. Can you believe it - that it was probably high 20s degrees? I mean, we were told the hottest it would get in June was 10deg! But I'm really glad for the weather...I heard it's gonna be sunny the entire week! :D Yay...I decided from now until I leave next Tues, I will force myself to get out of the house and enjoy the sun while I can...and not rot on the couch in front of the T.V. Let's hope that happens.

Our confused looks are thanks to our camera-man, David, who made us all giddy by circling us and taking pictures without warning us -_-

After a real full and fantastic lunch (err...a really late one at the time we ate it was nearl 3pm! :p) We decided to head back to Assia's to eat somemore! :) While we had some coffee, Cornelia was busy whipping up (literally) an Austrian dish called kaiserschmarren! The poor girl worked so hard in the kitchen while some of us bummed in front of the T.V. :p Well, apparently Carol has learnt the recipe - so maybe she'll whip it up one day for us hehe. But I'll definitely try it when I get home - it was delish :) So...yeah, do remind me someone - if you'd like to try kaiserschmarren!
I said she was literally whipping up the dish because the electric mixer didn't work, so we had to use the whisk and try to whip the egg white ourselves. After whipping for like more than half hour Assia's sister had a brilliant idea to but it a bottle and get her burly boyfriend to shake it to death to get the froth hehe.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Stockholm - Helsinki - Moscow - St Petersburg - Riga - Stockholm
We had a one-day stop in Helsinki, real quick but honestly, quite sufficient. The highlight was going to naval fortress, Suomenlinna. The rest of city was pretty small, but rather interesting.
Our boat - the Gabriella!

Our boat - the Gabriella!
Where we got off at the habour
Captain Haddock day??
Nej! It was May Day! :) A good excuse for a big party.
At the Market Square where a carnival was going on.

Fun with dog-doo! heh
L: For reasons I did not know, people dressed up in real weird racing-like costumes
R: The streets were littered with confetti!

The palace - where something was going on, but we couldn't see what as we were too short to peer inside! :(
On the boat on the way to Suomenlinna
A nice couple picture! :)
All of us 'cept for Jiamin got off the boat - he felt like bumming around, so decided not to join us for our day chiong-ing around Helsinki!
View from the boat.
(people actually live on that small island??)

Otherwise known as Castle of Finland - a sea fortress
It was this naval fortress that helped Finland develop its major city status in the 16th century period.
L2R: Carol, Ansen, Yocksong & David
Suomenlinna Church
Suomenlinna Church was built during the Russian regime, by order of Czar Nikolay I, to function as a military church in 1854. Its church bell is the largest in Finland - cast in Moscow in 1855 weighing 6,683kg! The following text, in Slavic and inspired by the Psalms, is cast on the church bell of Suomenlinna:
"Praise the Lord upon the loud cymbals.
Shew forth His salvation from day to day.
Give unto the Lord glory and strength.
Fear before Him, all the earth.
Let the sea roar and the fullness thereof.
All the earth shall worship Him."
Too bad we didn't get to go to the bell tower because of the construction.
The interior is really modern and stylish!
Many picturesques views of the fortress

Cannon and the mounds

HUGE anchor-ring.
David & I being touristy
I was sooo freaked out on climbing the cannon! It IS actually really way above the ground okay.
Haha I really like this shot.
Afterwards I went back to the boat to see what Jiamin was up to while the rest headed to the stadium (that held the 1952 olympics). After dragging his bum outta the bunk bed, we walked around the city area with our bags for a short while before heading off to the train station to meet the rest of the group.
Eastern Orthodox cathedral in Helsinki
with people picnic-ing at the base!
Helsingin Tuomiokirkko (Helsinki Cathedral) in the distance.
Built, in neoclassical style, in tribute to Grand Duke Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia.
A little peek into the inside - while a choir was singing during service.
On the steps outside of Helsinki Cathedral.

I was pretty curious as to why Helsinki had so many connections with Russia, regarding their architecture and history. Whilst reading up found out that Russia had defeated Sweden whilst Finland was part of Sweden in the 1800s. And in order to reduce Swedish influence in Finland, Tsar Alexander I moved the capital from Turku to Helsinki, and the city was rebuilt in neoclassical style to resemble St Petersburg. It was really awesome to take in so much of their rich and long history, and make the connections to the other places we were headed off to :)
Goodbye Helsinki!
Hello Russia! :)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
i had the most interesting conversation with ben...
hey ben, how have u been
hey ben, how have u been
I am currently idle.
I am currently idle.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I'll be back to do some hardcore blogging...after my paper tomorrow!
Stay tuned.
And here's what's been keeping me busy.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Stockholm -[cruise]- Helsinki - Moscow - St Petersburg - Riga - Stockholm
View of Stockholm from Gabriella

A little while afterwards, still in the archipelago.

Yocksong randomly waving to someone on shore!
After deciding we had enough of the cold on the deck, we decided to explore the ship!

It's a real party boat, with lots of booze and places to party. Although the disco floor had only 3 people at night...but it was entertaining, to see them flailing their arms while trying to keep upright :p (not because of the boat, but because they were intoxicated :p)
An elderly couple dancing away to the live music in the lounge...awww.
Karoke - Finnish style!
Hea hea hea!
Lots of tax-free alcohol.
Our highlight of the boat - dinner buffet!

They had at least 8 different kinds of herring! Been wanting to try that...heard it's the fish of the scandinavian area. Well, turns out - it's really too rich for my palette :/
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